Sunday 27 November 2011

Happy Belated Birthday, HuiJun!

As I mentioned that tests are just finished in my recent post, it is for sure that I am going out and relax myself. So, I went to Sunway Pyramid with a bunch of my friends yesterday to celebrate birthday for one of them, HuiJun. It was planned like one month ago. Her actual birthday falls on 19th of November which passed around a week from now. From what I remember, I did not celebrate her birthday before even though I already knew her since Form 4. So, this would be the first time we celebrate birthday for her.

HuiJun is a cheerful and positive minded girl, someone that you will never see her in a depress or sad mood. Moreover, she is the most talkative among us whereby she can talk non-stop for the whole day till we feel annoyed with her voice. I did remember that once I scolded her before during the rest time between exam. I was trying hard in my revision while she was talking non-stop beside me. I felt very pissed off when she keep disturbing me from studies. But for now, whenever I think about this incident, I really feel so sorry that I scolded her. After that, she feels a bit scared when she wanted to talk to me, I guess. There is a period which my ankle was injured and she accidentally kicked my ankle while passing by in front of me. It was so painful and I cried out. She was so nervous and felt very sorry for her act. She even apologize in my birthday card's wishes after my ankle recovered. There is no doubt that she is a very good friend for me, I am glad to have her as my friend.

So, back to the topic. As usual, we went to RED BOX to have karaoke session to celebrate for her birthday. It has been a long time since we "sing k" last time. Everyone of us love to "sing k" whereby you can actually imagine that we are not singing but shouting and jumping on the couch. Before leaving RED BOX, we sang her birthday song and handed her a handmade birthday card and a purse as the birthday gift. We know that she is very emotional but we did not expect that she will cry when she got the card and gift. Yeah, she did cry!

After that, we walked around and shopped at Padini Concept Store since there is a discount going on. Unfortunately, I was unable to buy anything because too many people and I am lazy to squeeze in the flow. Then, we went to WongKok Restaurant to have our lunch and here came the chatting sessions. Three of my friends were just finished their foundation and deciding where to go to further their studies. Both of them who are HuiJun and Cindy decided to study in INTI and I was keep persuading the other to come and be the INTIANS too. Gossips keep on going and then is photo session. Here are the photos taken yesterday.

The birthday girl, HuiJun :)
The only group photo of the day
Me and the birthday girl
A bunch of beauties, love you girls <3
The hand-made birthday card
Lastly, we took our own individual pictures then combine and arrange from the youngest and eldest among our gang.

I am very happy throughout this outing and looking forward to the next outing. It was a tiring day and my coughing is getting more serious. I really dislike eating medicine, the taste is yucks but I have no choice now. Hope the birthday girl did enjoy for our plan although it was very simple. Once again, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, HUIJUN! :)

Cause and Effect Essay-Obesity

             Obesity has been a serious issues that happening among us. According to the reports, Malaysia was being ranked 6th in the Asia with high obesity issues in 2010. Obesity is always being misunderstood by the people whereby they think overweight is considered as obesity. However, obesity is about having too much fat in the body. It is related with the eating patterns and habits which play an important part in order to live a healthy life. Therefore, obesity occurs with different causes and lead to several impacts on an individual.

            Basically, individuals who are suffering from obesity issue are because of over eating. The daily calories intake of each person may be vary greatly depending on the lifestyles and others factors such as gender, age, daily activity and type of jobs. Generally, the daily calorie intake for a woman will be 2079 calories while 2605 calories for a man. Over eating occurs when an individual continuously consume the calories more than he needs in daily life. It will affect an individual’s appearance as in slowly becoming fat or tubby. Thus, it will reduce their self-confidence where they think that others will criticize or discriminate them because they do not have good looking. Moreover, different kind of diseases tends to approach us when we are having obesity. Over eating can be over consumption of sugar, oil and salt that can easily cause high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack or even cancer. Therefore, it is important for us to control our daily intake.

            Lack of exercise would be the main cause of obesity. As we know that exercise is one of the elements of a healthy lifestyle. However, in the area of globalization, people are always busy with their jobs or homework and claim that they have no time to exercise at all. We always being advised to exercise at least thrice a week to keep our mind fresh, maintain our body healthy and body shape. While we are exercising, we usually sweat a lot and it helps to enhance the function of detoxification system of our body. Hence, if we do not have proper exercise, our detoxification system will be less effective. In addition, lack of exercise will lead to the decrease of blood flow in our body tissues. In the case, we will often feel tired easily and less energetic. Everyone should have started to take exercise as a habit in order to start up a healthy lifestyle and avoid themselves from obesity.

            On the other hand, obesity is also caused by imbalance diet. A balance diet should consist of nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, mineral salts, vitamins and fibre in the correct proportional. It can be formed based on the food guide pyramid where show us the examples of food that should be consumed more or less and its nutrients. Malnutrition is a condition that arises when an individual is taking an imbalance diet which certain nutrients is taken in wrong proportions which either lacking or excess. As a result, individual may incurred in over consumption of fats and cholesterol and this will lead to the chronic health risks such as obesity. Hence, it is important to have a balance diet in our daily life.

            Obesity has brought a lot of disadvantages or negative impacts internally and externally in our life. To sum up, everyone should have start to concern with their health condition and daily lifestyle from now on to avoid obesity. A balance diet and regular exercise would be the key of a healthy lifestyle.

Cause and Effect Essay-Dining out regularly

             In the era of globalization, people are always busy working in order to survive in this competitive society. Due to this reason, food industries are producing more and more goods or service that will satisfy the society’s preference which will help in saving their time. Therefore, people nowadays prefer to dine out instead of cooking at home themselves. In spite of that, dining out regularly might bring negative impacts to the consumers too.

            Convenient is the key of the reason why people prefer dining out regularly. People can save time through dining out whereby they can avoid themselves from preparing the ingredients and cooking process. The process of cooking is really takes time if we are going to prepare three meals a day ourselves. Some of the food are served in a short time and comes with packaging which the consumers need not clean up after finish dining. They can just throw away the packaging instead of washing the dishes. The examples of convenient food are McDonald and Domino Pizza. Hence, people will dine out more because it is very convenient. 

           Besides’ that, people who are busying working will always lack of time in preparing the meals for themselves. In this case, people are willing to pay for their meals which prepared by the others even though in a high cost. Although they may need to wait to be served, the process of preparing food can be excluded. Then, they will have more time to relax. They can also use the hidden time to do their works or studying while waiting. So, dining out would be really helpful in saving their precious time.

            In addition, the meals that are provided outside are tastier compared to our self-cooked meals. The excessive usage of salts, sugar or oil in preparing the meals is the reason why the meals can be so tasty. An unhealthy lifestyle maybe formed through dining out regularly whereby we consumed more salts and sugar that we required daily. Since there is an imbalance diet, people will tend to be ill easily and incurred in different diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart attack. Hence, dining out regularly will harm our body bit by bit.

            In a nutshell, dining out regularly provided us a lot if convenient but also negative effects. The people who dine out often should be controlled and reduced in order to have a healthier lifestyle. It will be the best to our body health if we can practice the balance diet in our daily life.

Contrast Essay-Car and Bicycle

            In the era of globalization, the technology is extremely advance compare to the old times. In the 70s, we used bicycle as our daily transportation till the first car was being invented. So, cars can be seen everywhere now and slowly replacing the function of bicycles. Though, cars and bicycles are both transportation, but they come in different price, size, and the way of function.

            First of all, we can see that there is a huge difference between the car and bicycle when both of the transportations are compared in terms of price. As we are purchasing a car, it will cost us at least RM15, 000 even for the cheapest car. It is very expensive whereby we need to spend large percentage of our income and save money for purchasing it. Bicycles are usually being sold in a lower price whereby we can actually own one by using a few hundred ringgits. It is almost affordable by all the people. Therefore, the price of bicycles is cheaper than the cars.

            Moreover, we can clearly differentiate the size between car and bicycle from their appearance. Car is in the form of big size which it is enough to carry minimum two or more passengers. It is more convenient to drive a car especially there is a family outing. Bicycle is able to carry passenger too but it is limited to maximum of two people riding it. It is usually used for leisure activities or for one person who travelling in a short distance. Hence, the size of car is bigger than the bicycle.

            From here, we know that cars are more convenient to people compared to bicycles. People prefer cars more even though the price is more expensive. Yet, bicycles are still being used by the mankind. In a nutshell, although there are differences between cars and bicycle still they bring us convenient in a few ways.

Compare and Contrast Essay-Secondary School and University

            Education is important to everyone at the present time. It is a way of transferring the knowledge, skills and values from a generation to another. The levels of education can be divided into several groups such as primary, secondary and tertiary. Secondary school and university do share some common similarities; yet there are also differences between these two types of institutions. 

            Generally, secondary school and university are both institutions that provide education service to the society. Secondary school is the place for us to learn variety of skills and gain the basic knowledge. When we are studying in university, it would be an opportunity for us to expose ourselves to the society so called as the reality world and develop new experience through education provided.  Both of the institutions are where we must go through in order to be educated before entering to the society.

            Besides academic, secondary school and university also offer co-curriculum activities. In secondary school, students can join co-curriculum activities which divided into 3 main groups which are uniform body, sports and clubs. The students can develop their personalities and moral attitude by carrying the co-curriculum activities which provide them training such as leadership camp and marching. In University, they do provide co-curriculum activities too. It is concerned with socialization and exposure to the society. So, both of the institutions are similar in providing co-curriculum activities for the students.

            However, these two institutions can be easily differentiated in terms of price. The school fees for secondary school are cheaper than university. For a secondary school, students are usually required to pay the resources fees twice a year which is around RM 20 only. On the other hand, the cost of studying in university is higher due to the higher education is provided and depends on the course that a student wanted to study. Diploma or foundation program will at least costs more than RM 10,000 and when it comes to degree or higher education, we have to pay more.

            In addition, the dress code of secondary school is away from university. The dress code of secondary school is fixed. Each and every student has to wear the same type of uniform required by the school whereas university students are required to wear in smart casual. So, the dressing style of each university student is different. Some might wear jeans and t-shirt or skirt or even dress. Hence, we can differentiate between secondary school students and university students by observing their dress code.

            Different levels of education are provided at different price levels although secondary school and university share the same aim whereby providing the education and place for the people to study and gain knowledge. The rules and regulation in secondary school is more restricted whereas university is more loose and free. As a summary, there are similarities and also differences between secondary school and university.

Compare and Contrast Essay-Johnny English and Nasi Lemak 2.0

             Watching movies is one of my favorite hobbies. Movies are also known as one of the performing art. It can be divided into several categories such as action, scary, comedy and so on. Recently, I have watched “Johnny English” and “Nasi Lemak 2.0”. There are several similarities and differences among these two movies.

            The common characteristic of these two movies is both are categorized as the comedy movies. “Johnny English” entertains and brings laughter to the audiences through the actions of the main character. The extremely over face expressions of the main character are the key of laughter of the whole movie. “Nasi Lemak” entertains the audiences in the form of adding singing elements with interesting and funny lyrics. Therefore, both movies bring laughter to the audiences.

            On the other hand, the settings of “Johnny English” and “Nasi Lemak 2.0” are different. The settings of “Johnny English” are mainly took place in United Kingdom whereby it is a place that full of high buildings. The settings of “Nasi Lemak 2.0” are unlike “Johnny English”. It is being took place in Malaysia where the places are more focus on country side. So, both of the movies can be differentiated by its settings.

            Moreover, the storyline of both movies is not the same. “Johnny English” is about the process of how a careless and clumsy spy had became the hero by stopping the criminal and saving his country from harm. However, “Nasi Lemak 2.0” is about how a chief form unity among the variety of races through cooking. Hence, “Johnny English” and “Nasi Lemak 2.0” are telling two different stories to the audiences.

            “Johnny English” and “Nasi Lemak 2.0” are both comedy movies although there are several differences between it. As a summary, both movies entertain the audience in a different way.

Friday 25 November 2011

Say Bye~ to Test 2 but say Hi to assignments and presentations

Hurray, hurray hurray…!!!

Finally all tests 2 are done! It has been a hectic week for all of us whereby we were sitting for 4 subjects within a week, so called as the "Test Week". Everyone was having a hard time in concentrating on studies, neither I. 

As a summary, some of the tests are quite hard and the common issue of each test is not enough time to finish it. For me, Mathematics would be the hardest among other subjects because I do not really understand and modify what I have learn in this subject. I even managed to pass once out of all the additional mathematics tests during high school. Anyway, tests are over now, it is no use to cry over the split milk, I should take this as the motivation in order to study harder for finals. I just hope that I will not fail in any subjects.

Now, around three more weeks will be the end of this semester and here come assignments and presentations. So the following is my to-do-list for this weekends:

1. Economic assignment
2. Business assignment
3. English assignment draft outline
4. 5 pieces of English essays

Lot of works awaiting me...Gambateh, FIONA! :)